Confirming your identity with Deliveroo

To ensure that everyone who works with us meets all the requirements to do so, we may ask you to complete an identity check via the app.

How will it work?

We’ll send you a message in the app asking you to complete an identity check, along with instructions on how to do this. We recommend completing the check as soon as possible, as the link will expire if you do not complete your check in time, and repeated failure to complete your check may affect your ability to continue working with Deliveroo.

How to take a good selfie 

  1. When taking a selfie, try and stay as still as possible to prevent a blurry photo 
  2. Make sure your entire face is visible, try and centre your face in the middle of the screen
  3. Check your lighting. If it’s too dark, too light, or if there is a glare, we won’t be able to tell it’s you in the picture
  4. Remove any face coverings or glasses before taking the picture 

We may also request your Right To Work documents

After submitting your selfie to confirm your identity, we may ask you to upload your Right To Work documents. Once again, we ask that you do this as soon as you can so that you can continue to ride with Deliveroo as normal. 

How to take a good picture of your Right To Work document

Any questions? Take a look at our frequently asked questions below

How will Deliveroo verify my identity using my selfie? 

Your selfie will be compared with the photo within the identity document you submitted at onboarding. This comparison will be done using an identity verification platform, operated by our service provider called Onfido.

When you take a selfie, it is shared with Onfido. Onfido, operating under our instructions, uses biometric technology (face matching software) to compare your selfie with the identity document we collected when you onboarded.

What happens if my selfie doesn’t match?

If our checks have suggested it wasn’t the account holder who submitted the selfie, or for example, if the selfie and existing photo do not match, then you will receive an email from the  team. It’ll ask that the person using the app (the substitute), who completed the selfie check, completes a Right To Work   check. If your substitute does not complete the Right To Work   check within the time indicated in the email, you will lose access to your rider account.

Will my selfie be reviewed by a human?

If your photo hasn’t been accepted when trying to confirm your identity, you’ll receive another notification to try again over the next few days. Before taking action against your account, a member of our team will review all identity checks manually. This will be a human review carried out by a specialist at Deliveroo or working under Deliveroo’s instructions and supervision. The specialist will compare the selfie with your identity document collected at onboarding to confirm your identity.

In order to protect the security of your account, Deliveroo will retain your photo within our systems and Onfido’s for the duration time you have an account of your account with Deliveroo, and in accordance with our Rider Privacy Policy.