Completing your first order

Everything you need to know

So you're logged into the app, you've got your kit and your ready to make your first delivery.

    Before you go online

    • Make sure your kit is clean
    • Make sure your phone is fully charged (and you've got a power bank)
    • Check your lights and brakes on your vehicle

    Introducing the rider app

    To start delivering orders you'll need to download the rider app.

    You can find it on the App Store and the Google Play Store.

    Going online

    After you've logged in you'll see the map of your zone. Tap 'Go online' to start receiving orders.

    Waiting for an order

    Once you're online you'll see the map of your zone and you'll see that the app is looking for orders for you. Don't forget to check our guide for the best times to go online and how the heatmap work.

    Receiving an order

    When you're offered an order you'll see the fee being offered, and the location of the restaurant and the customer. To accept, tap 'Accept and go'. To reject, tap 'Reject' in the top right hand corner of the screen.

    Travelling to the restaurant

    Once you've accepted the order your app will highlight a route to the restaurant so you can pick up the order. You're free to use any reasonable route to get to the restaurant.

    Arriving at the restaurant

    When you're close enough to the restaurant the button at the bottom of your screen will turn teal.

    Collecting the order

    You'll see the info about the order you're collecting once you arrive. Tick it to confirm you've collected the order(s)

    Travelling to the customer

    Once you've got the order the app will show you a route to the customer.

    Arriving at the customer

    When you're close enough to the customer the button at the bottom of the screen will turn teal.

    Delivering the order

    Just tick the order and tap 'Complete' to mark the order as delivered.

    Wait for your next order

    As soon as you've delivered the order you're ready to receive your next one!